1861 Birth July 1861 • Whitchurch, Shropshire
1861 Death of Mother Henrietta Barnes Chesterman(1839–1861)
16 Oct 1861 • Fitzroy Square, St.Pancras, London
1861 Baptism 30 Nov 1861 • Wroxton, Oxfordshire, England
25 Feb 1868 • Northampton, Northamptonshire
1868 Birth of Half-Brother Robert Dent Fish(1868–1870)
25 Feb Abt 1868 • Northampton, Northamptonshire
1868 Death of Father John Dent Fish(1828–1868)
July 1868 • 28 Fitzroy Square, London, United Kingdom
1870 Death of Half-Brother Robert Dent Fish(1868–1870)
July 1870 • Banbury, Oxfordshire
1879 SOMERSETSHIRE PARISHES. BATHAMPTON Lancelot John Fish, editor of the Harrovian 1879-80 ; left Harrow 1880 Trin. Col. Carab. B.A. 1883 ; M.A. 1887 ; Vicar of Bathampton 1896. (Harrow Reg. 463.) Arthur Phillip, Admiral of the Blue, ' Father of Australia '; b. 11 Oct. 1738, d. 31 Aug. 1814; bur. in Bathampton Church. (Som. $ Dor. N. $ Q. vi. 41 ; Diet. Nat. Biog.)
1881 Census Residence
1881 • Warkworth, Northamptonshire, England
Relationship to Head: Visitor
1891 Marriage
14 May 1891 • Bathampton, Somerset, England
Mary Girdlestone (1865–1959)
1891 Census Residence
1891 • Little Brickhill, Buckinghamshire, England
Relation to Head of House: Relative
1901 Census Residence
1901 • Bathampton, Somerset, England
Relation to Head of House: Head
1911 Census Residence
02 Apr 1911 • Bath, Somerset, England
Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head of House: Head
1924 Death
29 Sep 1924 • Bath, Somerset, England
1924 2 Oct Burial St Nicholas Church Bathampton
1959 1 May Death, Buried St Nicholas Church Bathampton
of Mary Fish his wife buried plot no B237 same as Lancelot John Fish
Venerable Lancelot John Fish son of Rev John Dent Fish
Married Mary Girdlestone in 1891 in Bath, England.(5c 987)
Died 29 September 1924, England, aged 63. Cleric, archdeacon of Bath at his death
He was visiting his step-mother Mary Fish Bredin at Grimsbury Mill in the 1881 census, down from Cambridge, where he was an undergraduate at Trinity. He got his BA in 1883, his MA in 1887.
By 1891 he was a clerk in holy orders, vicar of Little Brickhill, Bucks, and married Mary Girdlestone in June of that year in Bath.
By 1901 (Lancelot G. Fish in the census) he is 39 years old and vicar of St. Nicholas, Bathampton. His wife Mary (Glostersh Westbury On Trim) is 35. They have no children (yet?) but a cook, a housemaid, a parlour maid and a kitchen maid to keep things in order. Mary G Sommerville, widow, possibly Mary's sister, is visiting them.
In 1906, he was on duty in Biarritz.
He rose to become Archdeacon of Bath and died on 29th September 1924.
Ord. deacon (Bath and Wells) 1887; priest, 1888; C. of Bathampton, Somerset, 1887-8. C. of St Stephen's, Lansdown, Bath, 1888-90; V. there, 1909-24. Assistant Chaplain at Cannes, 1890-3. C. of Bathampton, 1894-6; V. there, 1896-1907. Chaplain at Biarritz, 1907-9. Archdeacon of Bath, 1909-24. Lived latterly at 12, Lansdown Place, E., Bath.
Sources: Harrow Sch. Reg.; Crockford; Who was Who, 1916-28; Scott, MSS.; The Times, Oct. 2, 1924.
FISH, Ven. Lancelot John MA
Born 1861; s of late Rev. J. D. Fish; m 1891, Mary, d of Rev. H. Girdlestone; no c ; died 29 Sept. 1924
Archdeacon of Bath, since 1909
Harrow; Trinity College, Cambridge
Chaplain at Christ Church, Cannes, 1900–03; Vicar of Bathampton, Bath, 1894–1907; Diocesan Inspector of Schools, 1899–1902; Hon. Sec. Bath and Wells Diocesan Societies, 1902–07; Proctor in Convocation, 1906; Prebendary of Wells Cathedral, 1906; Chaplain at St Andrew’s Church, Biarritz, France, 1907–09; Vicar of St Stephen Lansdown, Bath,
Born 1861; s of late Rev. J. D. Fish; m 1891, Mary, d of Rev. H. Girdlestone; no c ; died 29 Sept. 1924
Archdeacon of Bath, since 1909
Harrow; Trinity College, Cambridge
Chaplain at Christ Church, Cannes, 1900–03; Vicar of Bathampton, Bath, 1894–1907; Diocesan Inspector of Schools, 1899–1902; Hon. Sec. Bath and Wells Diocesan Societies, 1902–07; Proctor in Convocation, 1906; Prebendary of Wells Cathedral, 1906; Chaplain at St Andrew’s Church, Biarritz, France, 1907–09; Vicar of St Stephen Lansdown, Bath,
New University, MCC; Bath and County, Bath
Address: 12 Lansdown Place East, Bath
‘FISH, Ven. Lancelot John’, Who Was Who, A & C Black, 1920–2008; online edn, Oxford University Press
New University, MCC; Bath and County, Bath
Address: 12 Lansdown Place East, Bath
‘FISH, Ven. Lancelot John’, Who Was Who, A & C Black, 1920–2008; online edn, Oxford University Press
1861 Baptism record for Lancelot John Fish son of Rev John Dent Fish & Mary (nee Chesterman)
1861 Lancelot John Fish baptised here at the parish church of Wroxton Oxford
Lancelot John Fish was an undergraduate at Trinity College in Cambridge.
1890 Marriage Banns for Ven Lancelot John Fish & Mary Girdlestone
1891 Lancelot John Fish marries Mary Girdlestone
Venerable Lancelot John Fish Curate of Bathampton Church, Somerset, 1887-8
St Stephen's Church Lansdown Bath, Venerable Lancelot Fish curate of this church 1888-1890
1908 Crockford's Directory Venerable Lancelot John Fish
St Saviour's (Bath Somerset) Memorial Service 1920 Archdeacon Venerable Lancelot John Fish's Address (if anyone has a better image than this please email to me please at veldsmw@aol.com - thank you most kindly.
St Saviour Church - Bath Somerset
The Ven. Lancelot Fish in his address spoke first of those whom they honoured and saluted that day. That cross would be a perpetual reminder not only of our Blessed Lord's redeeming love, but of the sacrifcice made by brave soldiers. He had been reminded that the cross was in the form of St Martin's cross. St Martin was himself a soldier, and it was dedicated appropriately enough upon St Martin's Day. He believed that those whom they were commemorating were worthy of having a cross as their memorial; that they died most of them consciously, many no doubt unconsciously, in the spirit of Him of Whom it was said 'He saved others, Himself He could not save'. Those flowers might fade, that granite itself might perish, but those who had lifted our poor human nature to the loftiest possible pedestal of purpose, duty and achievement had taken their place among the immortal. 'Their name liveth for evermore'. below, it must have been different 100 years ago.

The flat grave with the cross is that of Archdeacon Lancelot John Fish at St Nicholas Church Bathampton. The grave to the right of him (if you are standing on the path) is for Rev Henry Girdlestone the father of Mary Girdlestone lancelot's wife. Jane his wife and his daughter Henrietta Neste Girdlestone was also buried in the plot of Henry Girdlestone.
Mary Fish (Nee Girdlestone below) daughter of Rev Henry Girdlestone )vicar of St Nicholas Bathamton), Mary is buried in same plot as Lancelot John Fish.
WILL of Venerable Lancelot John Fish 1924
Our Venerable Lancelot John Fish Discovered the long lost resting place of the "Founder" or 1st Governor of New South Wales - (Father of Australia)
The Following Information Comes from the Waite Family Website
Thanks to John Waite for this Information
- • Born 02 August 1861 in Whitchurch, Salops., England
• Married Mary Girdlestone in 1891 in Bath, England. (5c 987)
• Died 29 September 1924, England, aged 63.
• Cleric, archdeacon of Bath at his death.
Step-brother of Ethel Mary Channon, née Bredin, born 2nd August 1861 at Kilsby, Northants, after the 1861 census.
He was at a boarding school in Leamington at the time of the 1871 census, written Launcelot if I remember rightly. He went on to Harrow.
He was visiting his step-mother Mary Fish Bredin at Grimsbury Mill in the 1881 census, down from Cambridge, where he was an undergraduate at Trinity. He got his BA in 1883, his MA in 1887.
By 1891 he was a clerk in holy orders, vicar of Little Brickhill, Bucks, and married Mary Girdlestone in June of that year in Bath.
By 1901 (Lancelot G. Fish in the census) he is 39 years old and vicar of St. Nicholas, Bathampton. His wife Mary (Glostersh Westbury On Trim) is 35. They have no children (yet?) but a cook, a housemaid, a parlour maid and a kitchen maid to keep things in order. Mary G Sommerville, widow, possibly Mary's sister, is visiting them.
In 1906, he was on duty in Biarritz.
He rose to become Archdeacon of Bath and died on 29th September 1924.
Ord. deacon (Bath and Wells) 1887; priest, 1888; C. of Bathampton, Somerset, 1887-8. C. of St Stephen's, Lansdown, Bath, 1888-90; V. there, 1909-24. Assistant Chaplain at Cannes, 1890-3. C. of Bathampton, 1894-6; V. there, 1896-1907. Chaplain at Biarritz, 1907-9. Archdeacon of Bath, 1909-24. Lived latterly at 12, Lansdown Place, E., Bath.
Sources: Harrow Sch. Reg.; Crockford; Who was Who, 1916-28; Scott, MSS.; The Times, Oct. 2, 1924.
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