Rev JOHN DENT FISH 1828 - 1868
TIMELINE - John Dent Fish (1828 - 1868)
1828 Age 0 — Birth Sep 1828 • Macao, Tongcheng, Anhui, China (father Lancelot Dent Merchant)
1833 Mary Colledge marries Capt John Fish, John They foster the child now named John Fish from his natural father Lancelot Dent.
1834 Age 6 — Birth of Brother John Crockett Fish 14th September 1834 (1834–1889) Datchet, Buckinghamshire, England
1841 Aged 12 - Both John Fish (a pupil) and his school master the Rev Richard Bathurst Greenlaw are captured on the same page in the 1841 Census at school at no 4 St Germans Place Blackheath. John Dent Fish's Alumni records at Cambridge University confirm his attendance at this school with Rev Greenlaw as his tutor.
1842 John Fish's father Lancelot Dent returns to England permanently in 1842, he retires to the Skersgill estate in Cumberland
1843 Age 14 — Baptism 22 Feb 1843 in Kilsby, Northamptonshire, England - father named as Lancelot Dent in the baptism register - child now John Dent FISH referred to as adopted son of lancelot Dent
1851 Age 23 — Residence 1851 CENSUS • Cambridge St Botolph, Cambridge- shire, England Relationship: Lodger
1852 Rev.John Dent Fish, Banbury, Oxon. Governor of Christ's Hospital 1852
Names of Governors of Christ's Hospital.
Date of Appointment.
1843 Her Most Gracious Majesty THE QUEEN.
1844 His Royal Highness the PRINCE OF WALES, K.G.
1848 His Royal Highness the DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G.
1867 His Royal Highness PRINCE ARTHUR
1853 28 Nov 1853 • Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
1853 Age 25 — Death of Father Lancelot Dent (1799–1853)
1853 8th December - gg grandfather Thomas Wilkinson John Dent (records in his diary of 1853) that he went to Lancelot Dent‘s funeral on 8th December 1853 at Crosby Ravensworth and records in his diary that “the Colledges, Capt Fish, JD Fish” were amongst the people at the funeral. There isn’t a diary for 1868, the year of JDF’s death. This comes from Nick Dent the gggrandson of TWJDent.
1854 30.3 Kate [Katherine Mary Dent, daughter of the William Dent 1798-1877, LD’s brother m GW Colledge, s Dr Thomas Richardson Colledge] married at Cheltenham: found Tom Dent, Bob, Henry, Col Tom, JD Fish, R Wilkinson, Agnes & Major W at the Plough. Kate prepared at 23 Suffolk Sq. Small Colledges and Dickenson attended. From the Diary of Thomas Wilkinson John Dent - year 1854. Thank you to Nick Dent the gggrandson of TWJD for making this information available to us all.
1855 24.2 JD Fish is shortly going to curacy at Rugby - From the Diary of TWJ Dent.
1855 25.5 Saw JD Fish & Wm Dent at King’s Arms Yard [the Dent & Co office just off Moorgate in the City] -From the Diary of TWJ Dent.
1855 13.6 Fishes going to Paris too… From the Diary of TWJ Dent.
1860 Age 32 — 1st Marriage Henrietta Barnes Chesterman (1839–1861) 17 Jul 1860
• Banbury, St Mary, Oxfordshire, England
1861 Age 33 — Birth of Son Venerable Lancelot John Fish (1861–1924) July 1861 • Whitchurch, Shropshire
1861 16 Oct 1861 — Death of Wife Henrietta Barnes Chesterman (1839–1861) Fitzroy Square, St.Pancras, London
1861 Age 33 — Residence CENSUS 1861 • Whitchurch, Shropshire, England
1861 Court Case - Wilkinson Dent's Will being challenged.
1862 14.8 Charlotte [Thompson nee Dent, TWJD’s sister] lunched with Major Fish’s -From the Diary of TWJ Dent. I would interpret Major Fish's as Capt John Fish, his son Rev John Dent Fish, possibly Dr John Crockett Fish and possibly Lancelot John Fish (son of Rev John Dent Fish). I can't speculate on whether their wives may have been with them??
1865 Age 36 — Death of Father Capt John Fish (1797–1865)
1867 Age 38 — 2nd Marriage 1st May 1867 Mary Bredin (nee Field) Banbury South Christchurch1st May 1867 • Banbury, Oxfordshire
1868 - DEATH REV JOHN DENT FISH 22 Sept 1868 • 8 Fitzroy Square, London, United Kingdom
Birth Sep 1828 • Tongcheng, Anhui, China, father Lancelot Dent mother Mary Colledge from Kilsby England.
(CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY REF: at the time John Dent Fish went to Cambridge University the following appears in his student record "the son of a merchant sea captain Capt John Fish (of Kilsby)"
1841 Census places John Dent Fish and his school master Rev Richard Bathurst Greenlaw at school at no 4 St Germans Place Blackheath (see image below) exactly as his Cambridge University Alumni Records state.
1823 - 1849 No 4 St German's Place Blackheath. The Rev William Alexander Greenlaw founded a Christian boys boarding school here in 1823 in BLACKHEATH. The ages of the pupils were between 8 to 15 years old. The Rev William A Greenlaw becomes Rector of Woolwich in 1839 and his brother the Rev Richard Bathurst Greenlaw succeeds him as the schoolmaster. The 1835 electoral register which places The Rev Richard Bathurst Greenlaw at no 4 St Germans Place obviously at the school well before his brother takes up his new post.
Richard Bathurst Greenlaw was the school master at the school at the time of the 1841 Census in Kidbrooke. In the 1831 electoral register R B Greenlaw is in Ealing as a School master, in 1851 (the next census) R B Greenlaw is in Bradwell Kent. The school was targeted for the sons of people working for the HEIC (The Honourable East India Company), servicemen and professionals working in Africa, Asia and America, but continues to operate as a school till today over 200 years later.
1849 - 1863 The school was sold TO JOSEPH PAUL in 1849 and renamed THE BLACKHEATH MILITARY SCHOOL specialising in teaching students for the Royal Military College at Woolwich.
1863 - 1893 During this time it was a boarding school called the Yverdon House Boarding School for boys.
1893 - it was given a new name ie CHRIST'S COLLEGE.
1944 - 1951 The chapel suffered severe war damage in 1944, in 1951 the chapel was sold and deconstructed and a new building went up in 1969.
1998 - CHRIST'S COLLEGE closes due to low uptake of students making the school financially unviable.
1998 - 2021 A new school called BLACKHEATH PREP AND PREPARATORY SCHOOL started and in 2021 the School is renamed BLACKHEATH PREP.
Baptism JOHN DENT FISH - 22 Feb 1843 • Kilsby , Northampton, England, Baptism Register below (the adopted son of Lancelot Dent Esquire, Merchant, Canton China)
* a note at the bottom of the baptism page for the mistake in the original entry
"an accidental mistake being made in the entry 521. I judged it best incidently to erase the whole and reenter it into 522 correctly as given to me by one of the sponsors. C Gilibee 22nd Feb 1843
1843 John Dent Fish baptised here at St Faiths Church Kilsby Northamptonshire
1846 Caius College Cambridge below, on the 18th May 1846 awarded his B.A.
in 1850 his M.A.
1851 census - aged 23 • Residence Botolph, Cambridgeshire, England Relationship: Student
1851 Ordinated deacon of Lichfield in 1851,
a priest in 1852, curate of Brereton, Staffs. from 1852 to 1853,
curate of C. of St Mary's Banbury, Oxon. from 1857 to 1860
Without cure, 1861-8. C. of St Sepulchre's, Northampton
In the 1861 census, he has become the curate of Whitchurch Banbury
1852 Rev.John Dent Fish, Banbury, Oxon. Governor of Christ's Hospital 1852
1853 Death of Father Lancelot Dent (1799–1853) picture below

1st Marriage 17 Jul 1860 • Banbury, St Mary, Oxfordshire, England Hennrietta Barnes Chesterman (1839–1861) Lancelot Dent named as his father in the marriage record from the parish church in Banbury Oxford
Birth of Son Venerable Lancelot John Fish (1861–1924)
July 1861 • Whitchurch, Shropshire
Death of Wife Henrietta Barnes Chesterman (1839–1861)
16 Oct 1861 • Fitzroy Square, St.Pancras, London
1861 CENSUS Residence
1861 • Whitchurch, Shropshire, England
Relationship: Head
Death of Father Capt John Fish (1797–1865)
30 mar 1865 • Warwickshire, United Kingdom
2nd Marriage 1st May 1867 • Banbury South, Christchurch, Oxfordshire, England
Mary Fish Bredin (Field) (1836–1909) Born about 1836 in Grimsbury / Warkworth, Notts., England
Died 04 January 1909 in Eton, Berks., England. Lancelot Dent named as John Dent Fish's father in the marriage record from the parish church in Banbury Oxford see below
1868 - Birth of Son Robert Dent Fish (1868–1870)
25 Feb 1868 • Northampton, Northamptonshire
Died in 1870 in Banbury, England.
1854 Rev John Dent Fish (not DART as below) and his father Capt John Fish were Freemasons at the RUGBY Lodge of Rectitude
Rev John Dent Fish was in the Grand Lodge of the Freemasons together with his father Capt John Fish who was in Bengal at the time this was recorded, the were both Freemasons.
Death Rev John Dent Fish 22nd Sept 1868 • 28 Fitzroy Square, London, United Kingdom
Rev John Dent Fish died at his natural father Lancelot Dent's house
at 8 Fitzroy Square London (light blue door on the left)
Rev John Dent Fish lived here at Langham Place before his death.
Below is a modern layout of langham place, I expect it was different 150 yrs ago
1861 Court Case, Elizabeth Dent's will being challenged in court. (above) Between Wilkinson Dent (the plaintiff) and the following defendants, Thomas Wilkinson John Dent, William Dent, Rev John Dent Fish, Arthur Elley Finch, Henry William Dent and Ernest Dent.
Rev John Dent Fish was the Curate at Christ Church South Banbury after 1861
1870 Death Robert Dent Fish died in September 1870 in Banbury, Oxfordshire, when he was 2 years old.
Sep 1870 • Banbury, Oxfordshire, England
CHRIST CHURCH South Banbury was Deconsecrated in 1970
A few stained glass windows were rescued at the time which were donated to the Banbury Library and I believe the windows may have ended up at the Banbury Museum
I am actively researching where these windows are right now and if the Good Samaritan Windows were saved, please see below what data I have found so far wrt the where about of the Stained glass windows from CHRIST CHURCH South Banbury.
The Architect, A Journal of Art, Civil Engineering and Building, Volume 5, January to June 1871, London. Page 240. 6th May 1871
“Christ Church, Banbury.- A stained window has been placed in the organ chapel of Christ Church, South Banbury, in memory of the late Rev. J D Fish, for sometime curate of the parish, and the donor of the organ there erected. The window, supplied by Messrs. Clayton & Bell, represents six scenes in the story of the Good Samaritan:- 1. The Attack of Robbers. 2. The Priest Passing 3. The Levite looking-on. 4. The Good Samaritan, raising the waylaid victim and binding up his wounds. 5. The Good Samaritan placing the wounded man upon his beat and conveying him to an inn. 6. The arrival at the inn, giving the victim in charge of the innkeeper. Underneath these figures is the following inscription:- “To the honour of God and the memory of his servant John Dent Fish, sometime curate of this parish, who entered into rest September 22, 1868; aged 40.”
We have just found out today 14 Sept 2020 that the organ that Rev John Dent Fish donated to Christ Church was purchased and installed in St Mary's Church in Atherstone in 1968. Yvonne Stone the historian at St Mary's Atherstone kindly provided pictures of the pipe organ today 21 Sept 2020,
Thank you Yvonne. Please see the Rev John Dent Fish's pipe organ below.
The Rev John Dent Fish's Pipe Organ was installed at position 3 above in St Mary's Church Atherstone in 1898.
Some notes from the historian at St Mary's Atherstone (Yvonne Stone)
About the Organ In St Mary’s
The organ came from Christ church South Banbury and was transferred to St Mary’s in 1968. The organ at St Mary’s has a tracker action throughout which is well designed, with adequate vertical action and correct movement. It is far superior to any pneumatic or electro pneumatic action. Apart from giving a very pleasant definition to the key movement, it gives control of phrasing and the synchronization of notes in a chord, as on the pianoforte. The weight of touch on the Banbury organ is very pleasing, the reason being that the instrument has been well designed and was built high to allow the vertical movement of the tracker action. The instrument was maintained by Hill, Norman and Beard, to a very high standard. The external appearance has been enhanced with panels of light oak.
The organ is a 2 manual with a properly developed choruses. The stops give a great variety which is cabably of carrying a congregation of over 500 people.
When brought to St Mary’s it was expected to be trouble free for at least 50 years.
The church records show that this organ was bought after viewing several other organs. It has been in constant use since its installation until about 15years ago, when it needed much repair and we were quoted £20,000 for necessary repair. Unfortunately we could not spare that kind of money as our church needed more urgent repairs- a new roof being the most pressing . We now use an electric organ for music in the church and the old organ only gets used when we can find an organist to play it. We no longer have a permanent organist and as you are probably aware, a pianist is not necessarily an organist.
It is still capable of being played and our experts tell us it is out of tune but I love to hear it swell out through out the chancel and nave in our very large parish church. When singing to it you have to wait for it to catch up with you As there is a delay in the sound coming to you after hitting the walls. It is an odd sensation, and takes careful listening by the singer.
Unfortunately because of Covid our church is very restricted in its opening conditions so picture taking is very difficult at the moment. I have some pictures which I will retrieve from my records but they are not specifically of the organ but the whole nave.

The last sentence in the article above gives us some hope that some stained glass windows survived. It may not be the Good Samaritan Windows, but there is very small possibility that it might have survived!!
So we are actively pursuing this line of research at the moment till we find out if it survived or not.
I think this is an image of Borough Librarian Mr Alan Pain trying to save some stained glass windows. May I ask if someone recognises these windows or the area this window is in the church, would you please get in touch with me ( my name is Walter), IS THIS THE GOOD SAMARITAN windows??, IS THIS the Organ Chapel area of the church??
Borough Librarian Mr Alan Pain and Assistant Museum Curator at the time trying to save some stained glass windows in 1970.
The newspapers which mention Rev. John Dent Fish are:
- Derbyshire Courier, Saturday 25th December 1852- Ordination of John Dent Fish
- Morning Post, Monday 26 August 1861- Birth of a son to the wife of Rev. John Dent Fish
- London Evening Standard, 19th October 1861- Death of Henrietta Barnes, wife of the Rev. J D Fish, aged 22 years
- Northampton Mercury, Saturday 9th March 1867- Presentation to Rev. J D Fish of a very handsome silver salver, massive in weight and elegant in workmanship of the value of twenty-five guineas by the parishioners of South Banbury
- Reading Mercury, Saturday 11th May 1867- Marriage of Rev. John Dent Fish to Mary Field of Grimsbury
- Morning Advertiser, Saturday 29th February 1868- a son born to the wife of Reverend John Dent Fish
- London Evening Standard, Thursday 24th September 1868- Obituary- death of Reverend John Dent Fish aged 40 years
- Banbury Guardian, Thursday 19th November 1868- ‘Notice is hereby given that the creditors and all other persons having any claims or demands to the estate of the Reverend John Dent Fish… whose will was proved… on the 17th day of October 1868’.
- Oxford Times, Saturday 12th December 1868- ‘it is in contemplation to erect in Christ Church, South Banbury, a memorial window to the late Rev. John Dent Fish… a design… by Mr T Drury, of Warwick’
- London Evening Standard, 20th May 1891- marriage of Lancelot John Fish son of the late Rev. John Dent Fish to Mary Girdlestone
Oxfordshire History Centre
Will of Rev John Dent Fish 1868
This is an analysis of the 10 Wills and Testaments of people around Rev John Dent Fish during his lifetime. Please email me if you would like a readable pdf file of the image above for a higher resolution copy to view the people mentioned in the wills below.

1868 WILL Rev John Dent Fish 8 Fitzroy Sqr
People mentioned in the will
John Crocket Fish - executor
Mary Fish
??? Fish
Wilkinson Dent 8 Fitzroy Sqr
John Fish
Harriette Barnes Chesterman
Robert Dent
Arthur E Finch
William Caldwell
Executors proved by oaths of ........
Mary Fish Bredin (née Field) wife of Rev John Dent Fish
Married John Dent Fish in 1867 in Banbury, England.
Married Edwin Bredin 08 April 1874 in Leamington Priors,Warwick, England.
Register Vol. 6d Page 813
Died 04 January 1909 in Eton, Berks., England. Born about 1836 in Grimsbury/Warkworth, Notts., England
Five years old at the time of the 1841 census, Mary Fields was the eldest child of Robert Fields, a master miller, and his wife Phebe Atkins. Born and brought up at the millhouse in Grimsbury, she left home to marry the Rev. John Dent Fish, vicar of nearby Banbury, some time after 1861. This was the good vicar's second marriage and she seems to have developed a close relationship with her stepson Lancelot John Fish over the years.
Step-brother of Ethel Mary Channon, née Bredin, born 2nd August 1861 at Kilsby, Northants, after the 1861 census.
The Rev. John Dent Fish died in 1868 and she returned to live a widow's life with her parents in Grimsbury, where she is recorded as living at the time of the 1871 census.
Quite how she met her second husband, the Rev. Edwin Bredin of Rathdowney, Ireland, is a matter of conjecture. Their daughter Ethel Mary was born in Ireland in 1875, so she must have met and married and moved to Ireland around 1873. Six years later she was in the Mairie de Biarritz arranging a burial plot in the cemetery for Edwin Bredin. Rather mysterious and very sad.
She returned to England and her father's house in Grimsbury, widowed again, but this time with her daughter Ethel Mary.
At the time of the census of 1891, now 55 years old, she and Ethel Mary were sharing a house at 39 Carrisbrooke, Hastings with her brother, Robert Henry, retired master miller at 47, head of the house, of course, and sister Catherine Louisa, both unmarried. Mary Fish Bredin is described as 'living on her own means'. They had nine servants to look after them.
At the 1901 census, she is living in St.Giles, Nr. Newbury, Berkshire and head of the house at 6, Christchurch Gardens. Ethel Mary is with her, 25 years old, as well as her youngest married sister Elizabeth Cooper (53). They were looked after by two servants, Emma and Louisa, housemaid and cook.
In 1906 she was living at 61, London Road, Reading.
She died at Eton in 1909, where she had presumably spent her last years or months at least being looked after by her daughter Ethel Mary. Her will says "formerly of 76, Chesterton Road, Cambridge", the only clue we have as to how her daughter Ethel MAry Bredin met the Rev. Francis Granville Channon in the early 1900s.
Most of her worldly goods she left to her stepson Lancelot. Lancelot John Fish married Mary Girdlestone in 1891 in Bath, England. Lancelot died 29 September 1924 death ref 5C 987, England, aged 63. Cleric, archdeacon of Bath at his death.
1909 - WILL MARY Fish Bredin (Field) d 4 Jan 1909
People mentioned in the will
Lancelot John Fish (Stepson) - Executor
Rev John Dent Fish (Late Father) - Executor
Rev Francis
Granville Channon
Exec Alfred
Benjamin Field (Brother)
Rev Edwin Bredin (late husband)
Ethyl Mary
Bredin (daughter)
Edward Janson Atkins (trustee)
Agnes kate Roscoe
wife of Rev J Roscoe
John Bester
His brother John Crockett Fish (1834-1889), a doctor, also went to Cambridge. JCF in brief:
Adm. pens. at CAIUS, May 27, 1852. S. of John Fish, Capt. in the merchant service. B. Sept. 14, 1834, at Datchet, Bucks. School, Blackheath Proprietary and private. Matric. Michs. 1852; Scholar, 1853-6; Prizeman; B.A. 1856; M.B. 1862; M.D. 1870. At St Bartholomew's Hospital. M.R.C.P., 1862. Physician, Royal Hospital for Diseases of the Chest, City Road. Senior Assistant Physician at The West London Hospital. Author, medical. Of 92, Wimpole Street, London, W. Died London June 29, 1889.28 Nov 1853 • Cheltenham, GloucestershireSource: Venn, II. 308; Medical Directories.
* John and J.A. Venn Alumni Cantabrigienses from the earliest times to 1900 (Cambridge University Press, 1922-54) 10 volumes.Born 02 August 1861 in Whitchurch, Salops., England

No of Register of Burials John Dent FISH = 34824 see above Grave No 11333 Square 10
Dr John Crockett Fish was also buried in the same grave as Rev John Dent Fish his brother in 1889. In 1861 the registered owners of the grave were Wilkinson Dent & John Crockett Fish and the potential heirs would have been the executors of the last of these two people to die. In this case Wilkinson Dent died in 1886 and Dr John Crocket Fish died in 1889. The executor of John Crockett Fish's will was his nephew John Dent of 8 Fitzroy Square, London, United Kingdom.
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